15 Free Generative AI Tools to Increase Your Productivity

Gyansetu Team Data Science
OpenAI ChatGPT Certification Program training in gurgaon

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted various aspects of our lives, including productivity. Generative AI has appeared as a powerful tool for enhancing creative tasks and streamlining workflows.

In this article, we will explore the world of generative AI, delve into how these tools work, and provide you with a curated list of 15 free generative AI tools that can supercharge your productivity. Additionally, we’ll discuss the OpenAI ChatGPT Certification Program training in Gurgaon to enhance your AI skills.

What is Generative AI?

It is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating systems capable of generating content autonomously. These systems use algorithms and models to produce text, images, audio, or other data that is often indistinguishable from human-generated content. The underlying technology often involves deep learning, recurrent neural networks, and various generative models such as GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) and LSTMs (Long Short-Term Memory).

Generative AI has found applications in a wide range of fields, including natural language generation, image synthesis, music composition, and even video game design. It could revolutionize the creative and productivity landscape by automating repetitive tasks, making content, and assisting professionals in various domains.

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative AI tools have gained immense popularity due to their ability to create content autonomously, but the underlying mechanisms are often complex. In this section, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of how generative AI tools work, providing a comprehensive understanding of the technology that powers these innovative systems.

1. Data-Driven Learning

At the heart of generative AI tools is the concept of data-driven learning. These tools are trained on extensive datasets that provide the foundation for their understanding and creativity. Let’s break down the process step by step.

a) Data Collection: The journey begins with the collection of data. For text-based generative models, this might involve a vast corpus of text from books, articles, websites, or any textual source. For image-based models, it could be an extensive dataset of images. The quality and diversity of the dataset play a crucial role in determining the generative AI tool’s capabilities.

b) Model Architecture: The data is then used to train a specific model, which is typically based on neural networks. The choice of model architecture can vary, depending on the task’s nature. For instance, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers are commonly used for natural language generation, while convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are favored for image-related tasks.

c) Training Process: During training, the model learns the patterns, relationships, and structures within the data. This is achieved through a process of optimization where the model’s internal parameters are adjusted iteratively to reduce the difference between its output and the actual data from the training set.

d) Representation Learning: Generative AI tools also involve the concept of representation learning. In simple terms, the model learns how to represent the data in a meaningful way. For example, in natural language processing, words and sentences are represented as vectors in a multi-dimensional space, allowing the model to understand the semantic relationships between them.

2. Sequence Generation

The generative AI model, having been trained on data, can now be used for content generation. This process is particularly fascinating as it involves sequence generation. Here’s how it works:

a) Input Prompt: To generate content, the user provides an input prompt. This could be a short text, an image, or any form of data that the AI model is designed to work with. The prompt serves as the starting point for the generation process.

b) Conditioning and Context: The input prompt is used to condition the generative model. It sets the context and provides an initial direction for the generation. For example, if you’re using a text-based AI model and your input is “Write a poem about nature,” the model now knows the theme and context for the poem.

c) Sampling and Creativity: Once the model is conditioned, it starts the creative process. The AI generates content based on the patterns and knowledge it acquired during training. This involves sampling from a probability distribution to determine the next word in a sentence (for text generation) or the next pixel color (for image generation). The sampling process introduces an element of randomness, making each generation unique.

d) Generating Output: The model generates a sequence of data, which could be text, an image, music, or any other content type. The output is often of high quality, and for text generation, it can be indistinguishable from human-authored content.

3. Refinement and Evaluation

Generative AI tools frequently include a refinement step to enhance the generated output. The purpose of this step is to ensure that the content aligns with specific criteria or requirements. Here are the key aspects of refinement and evaluation:

a) Quality Control: To ensure the generated content meets certain quality standards, various evaluation metrics are used. For text generation, this might involve checking for grammar, coherence, and relevance. For image generation, metrics like visual fidelity and aesthetic appeal come into play.

b) Fine-Tuning: Some generative AI models allow for fine-tuning, where the generated output is improved iteratively. Fine-tuning can involve making text more coherent or enhancing image quality, ensuring the content is as close to the user’s expectations as possible.

c) User Feedback Loop: In many applications, user feedback is integrated into the refinement process. This feedback loop helps the AI model adapt to the user’s preferences and requirements, ultimately improving the quality of generated content over time.

4. Training and Development Cycles

One crucial aspect of generative AI is the iterative nature of development and training. These models are not static but evolve through continuous training and refinement. The development cycle typically involves the following steps:

a) Initial Training: The model is trained on a large initial dataset to learn the basics of content generation.

b) Feedback and Improvement: User feedback and quality control mechanisms play a vital role in identifying areas for improvement. These insights are used to fine-tune the model for better performance.

c) Regular Updates: As more data becomes available or as the technology improves, generative AI models are regularly updated to ensure they stay at the forefront of content generation capabilities.

d) Specialized Models: Some generative AI tools are designed for specific tasks. They may undergo specialized training and development to excel in those domains. For example, a generative AI tool for medical text generation would require focused training on medical literature.

5. Ethical Considerations

While generative AI is a powerful technology, it’s not without its ethical concerns. The use of AI for content generation raises issues related to plagiarism, misinformation, and bias. These concerns have led to a broader discussion about responsible AI development and usage.

a) Plagiarism: Generative AI tools can inadvertently produce content that closely resembles existing work. This can lead to plagiarism and intellectual property infringement issues, necessitating proper checks and attributions.

b) Misinformation: There is a risk of AI generating misleading or false information. Developers and users must be cautious about the information generated by these tools and verify it for accuracy.

c) Bias: AI models can inherit biases present in the training data. For example, a language model may produce biased or offensive content. Addressing bias in AI models is an ongoing challenge.

d) Regulation and Guidelines: The development and use of generative AI tools are subject to regulations and guidelines to ensure ethical and responsible usage. These include rules regarding content generation and disclosure of AI involvement in creative works.

15 Best Generative AI Tools to Increase Your Productivity

After getting to know what generative AI is and how it works let’s dive into the exciting part – the tools! Here are 15 of the best generative AI tools that can help increase your productivity, and the best part is they’re all available for free.

GPT-3 Playground

The GPT-3 Playground is a creation of OpenAI, the company behind the GPT-3 AI model. It’s an interactive platform that allows users to experiment with the power of generative AI tools. You can generate text, answer questions, create code, and even build conversational agents. This versatile tool can be harnessed to streamline content generation, brainstorm ideas, and automate various aspects of your work.


Copy.ai is a remarkable generative AI tools tailored for content creators and marketers. It can generate engaging headlines, marketing copy, product descriptions, and more with just a few inputs. By automating copywriting tasks, Copy.ai frees up your time, making you more productive and creative in other aspects of your work.


Artbreeder is an art and design tool that employs generative AI to create stunning visuals and artwork. You can combine and evolve images, paintings, and photographs to produce unique designs. It’s an invaluable resource for artists, designers, and anyone looking to infuse creativity into their projects.


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a conversational AI model that you can use to build chatbot virtual assistants or even engage in conversation to solve problems. This tool can help you automate customer support, schedule meetings, or even provide information, thereby increasing your productivity.

Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is a generative AI tool that turns your photos into surreal artwork. It utilizes deep neural networks to generate visually captivating images. If you’re a visual artist or want to give it an artistic flair to your projects, this tool can be a game-changer.


While not strictly a generative AI tool, Zapier is an automation platform that seamlessly connects various web apps and services. By automating workflows, Zapier can drastically improve your productivity. For instance, you can set up Zaps (automation) to automatically save email attachments in your cloud storage, notify you about important calendar events, or even post social media updates.

Snazzy AI

Snazzy AI is another AI-powered copywriting tool that specializes in creating blog posts, articles, and ad copy. It’s a great resource for content creators and bloggers looking to speed up their content generation process. Snazzy AI ensures that you always have fresh and engaging content for your audience.

Runway ML

Runway ML is a creative toolkit that utilizes generative AI to enhance the creative process for artists and designers. It offers features like style transfer, text-to-image generation, and even real-time object recognition. These capabilities can help you streamline your creative projects and bring your ideas to life more efficiently.

Talk to Transformer

Talk to Transformer is a simple yet powerful AI text generator. You input a prompt, and it generates a full-length piece of text based on your input. It’s a handy tool for content creation, brainstorming, and overcoming writer’s block. Whether you need to draft an article or generate ideas, Talk to Transformer is at your service.


Replika is an AI chatbot designed to engage in conversational therapy and self-improvement conversations. While it may not directly boost productivity in a work setting, it can help alleviate stress, improve your mental well-being, and potentially increase your overall productivity by enhancing your mental state.


DeepAI is an online platform offering various AI tools for different purposes. It includes image generation, text-to-image conversion, style transfer, and more. By incorporating DeepAI into your workflow, you can tap into a range of creative possibilities and enhance your productivity in design and content creation.


BotPress is an open-source platform that enables the creation of chatbots and virtual assistants. It’s a great tool for businesses and people looking to automate customer interactions, streamline inquiries, and enhance user experience. With BotPress, you can reduce the manual workload and boost productivity.


RunKit is a generative AI tools geared toward developers and programmers. It allows you to run and document code in real time, making it easier to test and experiment with code snippets. For software developers, RunKit can significantly improve coding productivity and debugging processes.

Deep Dream

Deep Dream is a Google AI tools project that turns your photos into psychedelic, dream-like images. While it may not directly impact work productivity, it can act as a creative outlet for artists and photographers, helping them stay inspired and recharged.

MyScript Nebo

MyScript Nebo is an AI-powered note-taking app that converts your handwritten notes into digital text. By automating the transcription process, it saves you time and enhances your note-taking and organization. This AI tools is particularly useful for students and professionals who rely on handwritten notes.

Final Verdict

Generative AI tools have opened up exciting possibilities for increasing productivity and creativity across various industries. These 15 free generative AI tools represent just a fraction of the incredible tools available today. Additionally, Gyansetu offers comprehensive training programs to help you master these cutting-edge technologies.

By automating tasks, assisting in content generation, and enhancing creative processes, these tools empower professionals and enthusiasts alike to achieve more with less effort.

Whether you’re a writer, designer, musician, or professional in any field, incorporating these generative AI tools into your workflow can be a game-changer, helping you reach new heights of productivity and creativity. 

Embrace the future of AI-powered productivity and see your ideas come to life with these remarkable generative AI tools.

Gyansetu Team

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