Understanding Logistic Regression Using R: A Comprehensive Guide

Sahil Data Science

Logistic regression is another commonly used statistical test that is used for binary categorization questions where the independent variable assumes two and only two values. Since it is a very effective methodology, it may be implemented in finance, healthcare, marketing, and many other fields to make probability analyses and render decision-making processes. In this blog, we shall explore more on the following aspects of logistic regression, how to carry out the analysis in R, and how to comprehend the results.

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What is Logistic Regression?

Logistic regression is a kind of algorithm that is utilized when the aim is to estimate probabilities of a binary response and/or dependent variable based on one or several independent variables. Unlike linear regression where the dependent variable is numerical and valid for infinite values, logistic regression aims at estimating the probability of an event happening which has a value between 0 and 1 only. This then is used to estimate the probability of the observations to be classified into one of two groups.

The fundamental of logistic regression is the logistic function or the sigmoid function as it is commonly called. This function mathematically transforms the probability obtained from the linear regression function. The logistic function is mathematically expressed Here:

  • p represents the probability of the event occurring.
  • e is generated by the base of the natural logarithm.
  • z is simply a regressed sum of the predictor variables.

The logistic function guarantees that the output is always a probability estimate of either zero or one, which is an idea for binary classification.

The Logistic Regression Model

In logistic regression, the aim is to make the logarithm of the dependent variable to be a linear function of the independent variables. In the first step, the log odds are transformed from the logistic function to get the probability. The mathematical formula of the logistic regression is:


The logit(p) is defined as the log of odd of the associated event is the probability of occurrence of the event.

  • p is the probability of an associated event.
  • βo​ is the intercept term, representing the baseline log odds when all predictor variables are zero.
  • Β1,β2,…,βk are the coefficients for the predictor variables X1, X2,…, Xk respectively. These coefficients measure each predictor’s impact on the outcome’s log odds.

To interpret the model, the coefficients βi​ indicate how changes in the predictor variables Xi​ affect the odds of the event occurring. A positive coefficient suggests that an increase in the predictor variable increases the odds of the event, while a negative coefficient implies the opposite.

Implementing Logistic Regression in R

To illustrate logistic regression, let’s use R, a powerful statistical programming language. We’ll walk through the steps to implement logistic regression using a sample dataset.

Example Scenario: Predicting Customer Churn

Suppose we want to predict whether a customer will churn (leave) from a subscription service based on features such as age, subscription plan, and monthly expenditure.

Data Description: We will use a hypothetical customer churn dataset that includes attributes like customer age, subscription plan (basic, standard, premium), monthly expenditure, and whether the customer churned (yes/no).

Step-by-Step Implementation

Loading Required Libraries

Ensure you have the necessary libraries installed. For logistic regression, we use the “glm” function from base R. Additional packages like ggplot2 for visualization and “dplyr” for data manipulation can be useful.

2. Preparing the Data

Load the customer churn dataset into R. For this example, we’ll assume a dataset named churn.csv.

To continue we will have to change the Churn variable into a binary format, whereby Churn =1 not churn =0.

3. Building the Logistic Regression Model

Split the data into training and testing sets.

Build the logistic regression model.

4. Interpreting the Results

The “summary” function provides coefficients, standard errors, z-values, and p-values. Significant variables are those with p-values with a threshold of (typically 0.05).

For instance, if the coefficient for “MonthlyExpenditure” is positive, it suggests that higher monthly expenditure increases the odds of a customer churning.

5. Making Predictions

Applying the above model makes predictions on the test set.

6. Evaluating Model Performance

After that create a confusion matrix to assess how accurate the model is.

Construct the ROC curve to evaluate the performance of the model.

7. Finding the Optimal Threshold

To optimize the threshold value, use the “ROCR” package.

Select the threshold that maximizes the true positive rate while minimizing the false negative rate.


The logistic regression algorithm is particularly effective in binary classification problems since it allows decision-making based on probabilities. Thus, in case of direct cooperation with customer attrition, illness or any other kind of binary result getting in control with logistic regression can turn into great worth in terms of gaining the level of your predictive power up. At Gyansetu, our task is to ensure that the knowledge and the resources we provide give you a chance to excel in the field of your choice in data science. Logistic regression and other important techniques are also covered in this course, being the best Data Science Course in Gurgaon where you can work practicing for solving actual problem situations.

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