Building the Foundation: HTML and CSS in Your Web Designing Course Syllabus

Gyansetu Team Web Development/Programming
Web Designing course in gurgaon

Companies and businesses are becoming increasingly insistent on acquiring an interactive, user-friendly, and top-quality website, as it is one of the first things clients consider.

This demand has driven the market for designing impressive websites that exemplify a company’s core values and brand while being unique and detailed. Consequently, various web designing courses have emerged, introducing new career paths.

So, what does a Web Designing course in Gurgaon with Gyansetu typically entail? And what is the role of HTML and CSS in it? This article covers these questions and much more.

What is Web design?

Web designing is an integral part of the IT world. Web designing is the system of planning, conceptualizing, and executing the plan for building a strong and functional website, which also provides a good user experience. Web design helps in identifying the main objective of a website and improving accessibility for all users.

Websites include a collection of various elements that promote easy navigation, and the process of designing one comprises composing content as well as images across a succession of pages along with integrating apps and other such interactive components.

Basics of Web Designing

The basic web designing course syllabus comprises a primary introduction to Web design for acquainting students with the fundamentals of designing a functional website and how to make use of its tools, themes, and software applications.

Here are the some main topics covered under the web designing course syllabus –

  • Creating various themes for various layouts
  • Designing a website and experimenting with its appearance and mood.
  • Creating and designing banners and advertisements, etc.
  • Understanding the tools and processes of creating web design covers through software applications.

What are the benefits of taking a Web Designing course?

A solid foundation in web designing is a great skill in today’s time, and knowing how to create a professional and interactive website that perfectly represents the ideologies and concepts may open new career paths for many individuals. There are various windfalls of taking a web designing course, some of which are:

  • Boost your creative side

Web design is a remarkable bend of creativity and technology. It can help you boost your artistic side and allow you to express your ideas and vision more effectively. An interactive and unique website can greatly impact potential customers or anyone who views it.

  • Work at your convenience 

Web Design allows you to work from anywhere since you will only require very few things to do your work. So, along with the privilege of choosing your own work environment, you can also earn a substantial income with convenience.

  • Marketing

Almost every business or organization in this tech-savvy era has an online presence, which benefits them by providing exposure. They do this by creating an online website for their brand. However, it can sometimes get a little more expensive, so if you have a business and know this skill, you can easily cut down the cost of hiring someone else and doing it yourself.

  • Broad Opportunities

Apart from letting you work and communicate in various website development activities, web designing courses also help you become an expert in similar fields. This allows you to work in numerous job roles, such as web content experts, production designers, SEO experts, marketers, etc.

  • Freelancing

A lot of high-paying jobs from reputed and large companies today require an experience of several years. So, freelancing will allow you to work on various levels, with different kinds of projects and companies, under your conditions. This will help you in growing your portfolio, so when you apply for your dream position, you will have an upper hand.

Understanding HTML & CSS in Web Designing

What is CSS?

In simple language, CSS can be defined as a website design language that lets it be more appealing instead of just a bland or simple text. Apart from determining the aesthetic of a website, it also helps in building a supportive framework, themes, and layout. CSS can also be wielded in placing HTML components, effects, animation, etc., that promote the design and development of the website. 

What is the role of CSS in Web design?

CSS offers numerous benefits to web developers as well as designers, among which some of them are listed below –

  • Enhances Web Appearance

One of the main reasons CSS is so popular and irreplaceable is its outstanding capacity to make websites look more attractive than HTML elements. It offers creators customization options and flexibility that help them create web page elements like buttons, images, and links. It also helps build a user-friendly interface, allowing better navigation and accessibility for the users.

  • Make development and updates convenient. 

Before using CSS, developers had to spend a lot of time and effort making sure that the website was bug-free, technically appropriate, and appealing to the audience’s eyes before the design was launched through the element formatting of HTML.

However, introducing CSS made this process hassle-free, requiring nearly half the time to finish things. By distinguishing the presentation and content, web designers can modify the design without impacting the content. Therefore, updating the website from time to time as audience preferences and design trends change.

  • Improved User-Experience

Appealing websites help attract users, and CSS is a genius for improving user interfaces. It also stimulates reduced transfer speed and increases of all-around functionality of the website. CSS also offers developers the option of creating accessible designs that are pleasing for screen readers, braille displays, as well as other assistive technologies, therefore allowing people with certain disabilities to navigate the website more handily.

  • Upgrades Page Speed

Amplified website stacking is another substantial advantage of CSS. Browsers only need to download CSS rules once, and then they can use it to stack all website pages just by saving them. When the browsing becomes relatively faster, the client experience is also enhanced.

In addition, it facilitates the smooth functioning of a website at decreased web speed. This component also reduces the loading time of a website’s page. Designers can develop exterior style sheets that are categorized in separate files.

This leads to the web browser only requiring to stack the external style sheet once, which will be used for applying to the rest of the website’s pages. This, in turn, curtails the size of code required to load and process, resulting in faster loading of a webpage.

What is HTML?

Hypertext Markup Languages or HTML can be defined as a programming language used for defining all kinds of necessary information in an organized way on a website. It is usually called the building block of any web page as it determines the basic structure of a website.

It is wielded by every website found on the internet, whether it’s a social media site or any shopping service. Developers use HTML elements to describe what kind of data or information every item on a website specifically includes. Designers use HTML code to characterize how different components connect concerning the page’s structure. 

What is the role of HTML in Web design?

HTML is an indispensable part of any website and is an essential character in a web design course syllabus. 

It is accountable for various integral features of a website. Every website retains a primary HTML code formulated by an HTML structure editor to procure a structure for a page’s various components, such as a CSS file, header and footer elements, basic content, etc. 

Here are some of the key features of HTML in web designing.

  • Accessibility

Accessibility is undoubtedly a crucial factor for all kinds of websites, and HTML helps in making web pages more accessible to people. Even people with disabilities can easily go through the website due to the use of semantic tags.

  • Compatibility

HTML is extremely congenial with many browsers and platforms, allowing their web pages to be accessed on any device anytime. In addition, HTML can also be wielded with other technologies, such as Javascript and CSS, to make the web pages more dynamic. 

  • Receptive

HTML Web designing can adapt to various platforms such as tablets, laptops, and mobiles. This makes viewing a webpage on all platforms through the same code possible. So designers or developers don’t have to write different codes for various devices. HTML recognizes the size of the device automatically and adapts consequently.


Both CSS and HTML are essential parts of a web designing course syllabus at Gyansetu, and learning them will help you become a productive and efficient web designer.

Gyansetu Team

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