Top 5 Jobs in Trend after Lockdown

Gyansetu Team Data Science


COVID19 imposed Lockdown in different parts of the World to prevent the spread of the disease but this pandemic has changed our life and badly impacted us. World Economy is disrupted, a significant number of people lost their jobs and unemployment has reached its peak. During this lockdown, some people were lucky enough to retain their jobs and still earning a decent salary.

Work from home is the new way of life and companies whose business is not badly impacted may continue this work culture till the situation comes under control. If you are a computer geek and what to know Top 5 jobs in Trend after the lockdown then this article is for you.

Many companies are hiring professionals having experience in emerging technologies as it’s the need of the hour. India is the second country to hire professionals for the data science field. So, the demand for the Data scientists, Data analysts, Business analysts, Data engineers is very high these days. Along with that demand for full-stack developers and testers is also increasing day by day. These are all the hottest jobs of 2021.

The Top Trending jobs are:

Data Science:

Every day a large amount of data is generated through our devices. We are surrounded by data through which we can get lots of valuable information.

Data science helps to improve the decision-making process by interpreting data. Coal value increases when the right amount of pressure is given till it turns into a diamond. Similarly, Raw data is of no use until it is cleaned and processed. Data scientist is the most trending job these days.

Data science is an umbrella that has various streams and different job titles. The role of the data scientist is to analyze and interpret the data and create models to make predictions. Forecasting and drawing insights from the data so as to overall improve the business process.

As a beginner or fresher, you should start acquiring knowledge on the following skillset.

  • Top Programming Languages like Python, R, Scala, Java, Julia etc you can master any one. Python is easy to learn and It is used widely by companies these days.
  • Machine Learning Algorithms: Different predictions algorithms – Supervised Algorithms:– Linear, Logistic, SVM, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN and Unsupervised algorithms and clustering techniques.
  • Data Visualization Libraries
  • Deep Learning:- Artificial neural network (ANN) , Convolutional neural network (CNN), Recurrent neural network (RNN), Long short term memory etc.
  • Statistics
  • Data Analysis tools – Power BI, Tableau (Optional)

If you are starting your career as a fresher still you have a good scope in this field.

This is a vast field and sometimes companies hire project-specific.

For example, If the company has a project related to Natural Language Processing then the NLP Engineers having strong expertise in this domain are hired. You have to choose which topic interests you and prepare accordingly.

 Check: Data science course 

Big Data

Data is growing at an increasing rate and there is a need to store and process it efficiently. 3V of big data are volume, velocity and variety. The data is generated in large volumes, the speed of data processing is referred to as velocity and Variety is the different types of data.

The data is of both the forms structured and unstructured. Big Data helps us to organize and analyze data with much ease.

These are not standard datasets but a more advanced one – NoSQL. These Big data helps us to create intelligent devices or apps which are driven by the data.

The different job titles are Big data Architect, Big data developer, Big data and cloud Engineer, Big data Engineer etc.

 The basic skillsets are:

  • Big data tools: Kafka, Hadoop, spark
  • Deployment of Big Data Application on Docker and Kubernetes
  • ETL tools
  • SQL and NOSQL databases
  • AWS could services
  • Stream processing systems
  • Programming languages: Python, scala, java, etc.

Check:- Big Data Course

Business/ Data Analyst

As the name itself suggest “Analysis”. If you are a fresher then there is a huge opening for the data analyst position. The main job of the data analyst is creating dashboards, storytelling, creating reports and visualizations and drawing insights.

The requirement to become data and business analyst is the degree in mathematics, statistics or business.

The certification or degree in the analytics domain. Business analysts help organizations to make decisions based on the interpretation of the data. They help to improve the overall business.

To perform the role of Data analyst the basic skill sets are Python, R, SQL, Excel, Data Visualization using Power BI, Tableau.

Business analysts are not involved in the coding and programming they need to understand, manage, prioritize and deliver the requirements. They should be analytical thinkers, should have good interpersonal skills, written and communication skills.

Check Business Analyst course

Web Developer/ Full Stack Developer (MEAN stack)

A full-stack developer is one who has expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. They should be able to develop a website and handles all the operations related to it.

The key responsibilities are writing code to develop scalable software, creating and designing websites, handling servers and databases, making website user interactive and testing it.

Mean stack is different from full-stack where the core components are Node.js, Angular.js, MongoDB , Express.js. If you are a full stack developer then you can work in different designations and can easily manage and understand different aspects of projects.

 There are ample job opportunities for full-stack developers as they are beneficial for the company because of their diversified knowledge.

 Check Full Stack Developer Course

 Software Testing

Testers ensure that the quality of the software product which is developed by the developers is fit for the purpose. They perform both manual and automated testing just to make sure that the product is bug-free and serves the purpose.

The tester should have very good time management and organization skills, good communication skills, analytical skills, and good productivity. The technical requirements include hands-on experience on Defect tracking tools like Jira, Bugzilla etc, Automation tools like Selenium Webdriver, and scripting languages like c#, javascript, Perl/shell, or VBScript, and academic background should be from the computer science field.

Testers are the core part of application development and it is one of the hottest jobs of 2021. The demand for testers is very huge in the market.

If you want to kickstart your career in any of these fields then you can start learning from good sources and grab an opportunity as all these professions are highly in demand.

Check Selenium testing course

Gyansetu Team

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